März 2017 Archives

Remember how old Harry Potter turned, when Hagrid reavealed to him, that he was a wizard? Exactly, 11 years old. A magical age.

Happy 11th birthday, Elisas craftscorner!

I'm still there. Or back again.

To celebrate this special day and for honouring it, I have a little giveaway. Everyone who sends my blog a birthday card, either by snail mail to the adress stated in the imprint, or as a file attached to a mail till March 30th 2017 can win a pair of custom made earrings. C'mon, let's celebrate together!


I am going to give my blog a birthday present, too: I am not going to wait, till I have kept up with all old entries. Instead, I am going to jum in where I am and just write, when there is something new to show or tell about here.

And yes, there is something new: I have a creativity coach. Her name is Dale, she has a certificate in creativity coaching and she lives in one of the most creative cities of the world, where also another very inspiring blogger lives: Angry Chicken - on the west coast of the USA.My coach motivates me and helps me to break all my steps down to babysteps. She also has strategies how to make my goals come true, what to focus on and how to get over obstacles. Thank you Dale.

I hope you all have a great day and do not forget to celebrate with me! Expect to read more here in the future.

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Crafts Cupboard


I am mostly a spontaneous idealistic person
I am also an innovative thinking person


Lunar phases


Flickr Photostream

This is a Flickr Module with photos from an album named handmade. Make yourself here your own module.

Work in progress

Aran- Babyjacket from own pattern

Elisas "Tasmanian Devil" Socks

Blue Scarf

Mollys Lace Headband

Marys Garden Mystery Socks

Rons "Maennersache" - Socks

blue Socks for Ron

blue Merino -gloves for Ron
