my first pair of socks for me

I finally finished them. The first pair of socks I knit for myself out of sock yarn. The name of the yarn is "cuban nights" and it is bought from Kirstens onlineshop


It took me months of spare time knitting and some rows grew in my holidays in Rugia this July.
I used my 2,5mm bamboo dpns, which I got as a present from my Wollfee - Pal. I managed to damage one of the needles and then to repair it somehow - it is now shorter and I changed the dpns for the heels and used aluminium ones but I really quite like the bamboo ones. More than I had expected.

It�s not so obvious on the photos but each row of the socks has another colour and not only did colours repeat but some very different colours like grey, greyblue, darkblue, pink, dark brown and else appeared. Even though the legs are slightly too short for my taste, I love my socks and wear them from time to time.

The next pair of sock yarn socks is for Ron. I started some cabled with thicker wool for me and somehow try to follow the tricky aran pattern.

1 Kommentar

Hello Elisa! I thought I'd leave you a 'secret pal' comment here.

I love your socks! I'm just finishing my first ever pair too,knitted in a lovely self-patterning wool in blue, black and white.

Thank you. Actually it�snot the first pair ever but only my first pair for myself. But you�re right, I should post about the first pair too.

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