
Wow, today in the middle of a cleaning and tidying session for my birthday party which will be Saturday, even though the stormy wind outside and with all windows closed I heard some shouts outside and a kind of bustling spirit was in the air. I thought that it could be another parcel delivery service and rushed to our living- room window. And I couldn�t believe my eyes. An enormous flock of sheep was passing our lot of land, two coalblack sheepdogs were running up and down the flock and two shepherds in full regalia were walking in front of and behind the flock. I just picked Rons camera and threw the window open. I took some photos and 2 mini videos, let me see, I�ll perhaps be able to include them here, if Ron can download them from the camera at his computer (the storage medium is a microdrive and my storage card reader can�t read those anymore). Jeez, I was beside myself with joy. I mean after all on the sheep this fluffy stuff is produced, which we use for knitting, spinning and felting and this is why I somehow like sheep. What a pity that sheep aren�t so snoopy by nature and you can�t cuddle and hug them if they are in their flock on free land. It was just an hour before this happened, when I read in the local advertising journal that our sheep farm in M�ncheberg is looking for their four missed feed fence electricity devices and has promised a big reward for each of them. I hope that they will get those devices back. Yes, M�ncheberg although a small town has a sheep farm, but unfortunately you can hardly catch them on the phone. Many greetings to Woolly Ruth and Kaba at this place, Without both of you, I sure wouldn�t post this entry.

1 Kommentar

So you don't live in the city obviously. Sheep have good PR we think of them as white and fluffy, but they are really filthy and smelly. At least when you get your wheel you will have a huge supply of roving to practice on.

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Work in progress

Aran- Babyjacket from own pattern

Elisas "Tasmanian Devil" Socks

Blue Scarf

Mollys Lace Headband

Marys Garden Mystery Socks

Rons "Maennersache" - Socks

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